Fuel excise or a road user charge - Why not both?
Hello, you are invited to attend AEVA NSW's AGM on 29 July 2020, at 7:30 pm details are: here https://aeva.asn.au Having trouble viewing this newsletter? View the web version here. Want to Unsubscribe from this newsletter?Click Here
EVNews edition 240 now ready for download by members. 4 page bumper 'iso' edition of EVNews has just been released. Includes: Update on the Australian and World markets; New EV model news; How to maximise the DC advantage when EV traveling; The possible futures for DC charging; Member conversion reports ... .... and MUCH more! Go to Resources/EVNews newsletter to download your copy today! Bryce Gaton Editor: EVNews
Di Elliffe reviews the Austroads webinar (available online) on how Australia's transport industry might achieve decarbonisation.
Are new residential and commercial developments planning for EVs? In most cases, the answer is no!
Announcement: online Victorian EV owners research forum, June 10th at 7pm. (Usual AEVA Vic. monthly meeting date and time). Hi all, I am pleased to announce that we are experimenting with a form of meeting this month! Our usual meeting time this month will be taken up with a research focus group for Victorian EV owners, run by a university research group on behalf of the Victorian Government. To join in the session - you will need to contact Hugo Temby (via the email link below) to get the Zoom meeting details. I will certainly be there to participate in and introduce the session - hoping as many of you too can join in to share your EV experiences and assist the Victorian Government shape a practical EV rollout policy. By the way, Hugo has also kindly offered to assist …
This is the second article in a six-part series dealing with policies to encourage EV uptake in Australia. This article deals with the unsuccessful attempt to introduce fuel efficiency standards in 2017, in order to reduce CO2 emissions from petrol and diesel cars.