AEVA Western Australia Branch
Welcome to the WA Branch home page!
Richard McNeil enters WA from the top end.
Latest WA electric vehicle news:
Recent branch meeting presentations:
Thanks to those who attended our branch meeting on Tuesday night - we're especially grateful for Michael Meyers from Tasmania who was travelling in WA for sharing his experience with the HOEM vehicle-to-load backup switch. Unfortunately the video was a bit difficult to broadcast online, but we'll make sure the details are added soon.
We're also thankful for James Elliot from Horizon Power who came to speak about the unique challenges of operating high powered DC chargers in very remote locations, as well as some of the innovative features being deployed within the Horizon network, particualrly EV connect. A copy of James' presentation can be found here, while key technical requirements outlined by the network can be found here. Also fantastic to see a key vehicle-to-grid trial being rolled out in the north of the state.
Synergy and Horizon Power have completed just over half of the WA EV Network charging locations around the state, wth some incredible useage data to back it up. The average regional charger is being used twice a day, with Kings Park in the city top of the pops with an average of 15 sessions per day. Sandra's presentation on the state of the WA EV Network can be found here.
How many EVs are there in WA? Well read this report from the Department of Transport and find out! Data up to December 2023 is listed.
Member lurks and perks
Did you know AEVA members can recieve discounts and exclusive offers from some of our business members? WA-based Plico Energy are offering AEVA WA members a discount on home energy storage systems.
Recent and upcoming events:
Check out the Events calendar for upcoming EV events in Western Australia, including a recent field trip to the Kwinana Big Battery and a visit to EPCA's Hazelmere facility where 120 ton mining trucks are being converted to battery electric!
About the WA branch:
Our branch has over 260 financial members and we are highly active in the community. We meet regularly and everyone is welcome - you don't even need to own an EV! Why not become a member?
Dates, times and locations for upcoming events can be found in the calendar here. Select the WA member group and then click on Find Events.
We hope to see you at a meeting soon!
Branch Information
The WA branch of AEVA has plenty of experience and friendly advice on all manner of electric transport - whether it be e-bikes, scooters, motorbikes, cars, utes, boats or even flying machines; we have you covered. We can also assist with the design and construction of your own electric car or motorbike, or provide no-jargon advice on selecting a production EV.
Ordinarily we meet in Perth every second Tuesday of the month except January. Lately we've hosted meetings at The Park Business Centre, 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth, but any changes will be communicated by email, so make sure you're on the mailing list, or become a member to keep up to date.
Meetings start at 7pm but it is advised to get there around 6:00pm
Contact Ant Day (0416345575) or Chris Jones (0418908002) if you need access to the building.
Meet the Perth branch committee for 2024:
Antony Day (Chair)
Chris Dodd (Vice Chair)
Antony Day (Secretary)
Bruce Armstrong (Treasurer)
Chris Jones (Director for WA)
If you are interested in EVs or you would like to learn more, please make contact with one of us or come along to our meetings.
We hope to see you at a meeting soon!
Three EVs at the Esperance foreshore
Interested in joining AEVA?
To join the AEVA, click on the membership tab above and fill in the details. Once a member you'll get regular email updates.
To be put on our mailing list for non-members please click here.
For more information on the WA Branch or other EV matters, please contact Chris Jones: 0418 908 002 or
Don't forget to visit some of our business members based here in WA - links below!