Join us!

We would welcome your membership to AEVA. Once you are a member you'll get regular email newsletters and access to other member benefits like discounted EV car hire, the AEVA RFID card and free webinars. Make sure you nominate the ACT as your home branch. As an AEVA member, you can attend a Know Your EV workshop for free (select the 'AEVA member' ticket when registering).

Upcoming ticketed events

Recent events

A summary of previous activities of the ACT Branch, including photos of some events, may be found in the archives. Events are also usually posted to Facebook

Fast chargers in the ACT

Map courtesy of PlugShare.

EV registrations in the ACT

As of 21 October 2024, the ACT has 9,595 registered EVs (over 2.8% of the fleet). More detailed statistics on ACT vehicle registrations are available.

Who we are

We are the ACT Branch of the Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA).  We are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting electric vehicle technology (including cars, trucks, buses, bikes and scooters) in the ACT.  Our members include early adopters and DIY enthusiasts who have converted petrol cars to EVs. Our key motivations include cutting emissions and decreasing Australia's dependence on imported fossil fuels. We celebrate the fact that EVs are cleaner, quieter, safer and more reliable.

We aim to promote the uptake of EVs in Canberra. We do this in a context of government support. The ACT Government has a set of policies supporting the transition to zero emission vehicles, and our Branch is working with the ACT Government to encourage this transition. 

Our Branch Committee

Chair: Ben Elliston (

Secretary: Lauren Brand (

Treasurer: Kate Armstrong (

Director: Richard Czumak (representing ACT on the Board)

General Committee members: Craig Harvey, Peter Campbell, Paul Wayper, Susan Wood, Warwick Cathro.

Anyone seeking contact details for other members of the Executive should request them from the Secretary.


Our meetings are opportunities to share ideas among our members, to hear from guest speakers, to plan events, and to share information on technical matters.

Our General Meetings are usually held on the third Monday of each month at the Denman Village Community Centre at 7pm. There are instructions available for members on how to enter the building. Non-members will need to call the phone number posted on the glass doors to be let in.

The date of our next meeting can be found in the right margin of this page under "ACT Events".

Agendas and Minutes

AEVA members can access the agendas and minutes of recent monthly ACT Branch meetings. You will need to sign on and to have the status of a financial member in order to view these documents. 

Forum and Facebook page

The Branch posts regularly from its Facebook account to the CanberraEV page.

CanberraEV logo by Bill Gresham

"CanberraEV" was the name of the formative group almost 20 years ago prior to affiliating with AEVA.

AEVA also has a national Facebook page for information of national significance.

The AEVA Forum is where many topics are discussed among members all over Australia. This is a great place to ask your questions!

Influencing government policies

The ACT Branch advocates for electric mobility in the ACT and, as a very active branch, contributes to AEVA advocacy at the national level.


In April 2024, the ACT Branch issued its policy recommendations for candidates contesting the 2024 ACT Legislative Assembly election.

In March 2024, the ACT Branch issued its updated recommendations for public EV charging infrastructure in the ACT. This document supersedes earlier versions issued annually since 2021 and includes detailed recommendations to support the needs of drivers with disabilities.

Also in March 2024, the ACT Branch contributed significantly to this submission to the House of Representatives Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles.

In February 2024, the ACT Branch contributed to this short submission to the Federal Government's final round of consultation into the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (formerly the Fuel Efficiency Standard).

Work from previous years has been archived.

Resources developed by the ACT branch

Recommendations on EV charging facilities in new strata developments (revised 2024)

Retrofitting electric vehicle charging in strata properties (revised 2024)

Financial incentives for the purchase of electric vehicles in the ACT (revised 2024)

Recommendations on public charging infrastructure (2024)


Articles written by AEVA ACT members may be found here.


For more information on the ACT Branch please e-mail