AEVA Presents: WA Election 2025 - Sustainable Transport Leaders Forum

Feb. 17, 2025

State Library of Western Australia
25 Francis Street
Perth, WA 6000


The WA branch of AEVA will be hosting the first WA election candidates forum on sustainable transport in Western Australia. Held at the State Library Theatre on Monday the 17th of February from 5.30 pm for a 6 pm start, this is the forum to hear from parties fielding candidates in the state election on their priorities and solutions for responsible, zero-emission transport.

This facilitated forum will allow the electors of Western Australia to hear from the parties and independent candidates on how they believe WA's transport future should be shaped. The audience may ask questions using the Slido App on their mobile phones, which the MC will relay to the panel.

We will be listing candidates who are attending as they confirm, and updating this event entry regularly. 

All registered parties have been contacted and invited to participate, but so far the WA Labor Party has declined the invitation due to conflicting events, and the WA Liberal Party, the WA Nationals and One Nation are yet to respond.

The very next day, in the very same venue, our friends at Sustainable Energy Now will be hosting the Energy Leader's Forum

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Dr Brad Pettitt (WA Greens)
Speaker Dr Brad Pettitt (WA Greens)
Dr Brad Pettitt was elected to the Legislative Council of the WA Parliament in 2021. Until taking up this role in the Upper House of the State Parliament, Brad was the Mayor of the City of Fremantle. He was first elected mayor in 2009 and re-elected in 2013 and 2017.  …

Dr Brad Pettitt was elected to the Legislative Council of the WA Parliament in 2021.

Until taking up this role in the Upper House of the State Parliament, Brad was the Mayor of the City of Fremantle. He was first elected mayor in 2009 and re-elected in 2013 and 2017.  Prior to this Brad was the Dean of the School of Sustainability at Murdoch University.

He rides an e-bike and drives a Tesla which he bought before Elon veered right.

When not working he likes riding his bike, drinking coffee, and playing with his 5-year-old daughter.

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Speaker: Amanda Dorn (Animal Justice Party, WA)
Speaker Amanda Dorn (Animal Justice Party, WA)
As a dedicated voice for animals, people and the planet - I am deeply committed to protecting the natural environment and building a more compassionate society, together. Whether it be as a Local Government Councillor (City of Swan) or by leading a door-knocking campaign for local wildlife, I have given …

As a dedicated voice for animals, people and the planet - I am deeply committed to protecting the natural environment and building a more compassionate society, together. Whether it be as a Local Government Councillor (City of Swan) or by leading a door-knocking campaign for local wildlife, I have given years to the causes close to my heart.
Vehicles, roads and internal combustion engines have disastrous side effects for animals, the environment and people. The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises that Australia needs a national shift away from road transport and toward other more environmentally-friendly modes, including all forms of rail and mass transit, together with walking and cycling. This shift needs to be concurrent with changes in urban and inter-city planning and development, with the wellbeing of animals and people factored into the design.

- Provided. AJP website (

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Speaker: Dr Brian Walker (Legalise Cannabis WA)
Speaker Dr Brian Walker (Legalise Cannabis WA)
Brian Follett Walker is an Australian politician and medical practitioner who was elected to the WA Legislative Council as a Legalise Cannabis WA member in 2021. Born in Malaysia to Scottish parents, Brian was educated at Scotch College, Perth, prior to studying medicine at the University of Dundee. Since graduating, …

Brian Follett Walker is an Australian politician and medical practitioner who was elected to the WA Legislative Council as a Legalise Cannabis WA member in 2021.

Born in Malaysia to Scottish parents, Brian was educated at Scotch College, Perth, prior to studying medicine at the University of Dundee. Since graduating, he has practised medicine in Germany, the Soviet Union, the UK, and Hong Kong, returning to Perth in 2008 to set up a specialist GP practice in the Perth Hills.

Brian has a longstanding commitment to holistic wellness, which continues to strongly influence his approach to both medicine and politics. His ultimate goal is making this world a better place for our children and grandchildren.

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Speaker: Cr Daniel Minson (Sustainable Australia Party, WA)
Speaker Cr Daniel Minson (Sustainable Australia Party, WA)
Councillor Daniel Minson is a Senior Civil Engineer at Water Corporation, an elected Councillor at the Town of Victoria Park, a husband, father of a newborn son, and Sustainable Australia Party’s lead candidate for the WA Upper House. Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement with a science and …

Councillor Daniel Minson is a Senior Civil Engineer at Water Corporation, an elected Councillor at the Town of Victoria Park, a husband, father of a newborn son, and Sustainable Australia Party’s lead candidate for the WA Upper House. Sustainable Australia Party is an independent community movement with a science and evidence-based approach to policy - not a left or right wing ideology. They are fighting to de-corrupt politics for a fair and sustainable Western Australia that puts our community and environment first. Dan completed a degree in civil engineering at Curtin University and graduated in 2014 with honours after receiving the top student prize in construction technologies. He then worked as a consultant in the residential and commercial land development industries and proceeded to work as a water resource engineer in both private and public organisations. Dan has volunteered abroad delivering irrigation infrastructure to drought-affected communities in Africa. He believes in a vision for Australia where society is striving to improve the wellbeing and happiness of individuals and communities. He believes government and politics have a role to play by balancing the environmental, social and economic considerations in decision making, while pursuing a fair and sustainable future for Australia.”

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Speaker: Renee McLennan
Speaker Renee McLennan
I’m Renée, your community independent candidate for the upcoming state election.  My focus has always been on making a difference to our community, not on pursuing political ambitions - but I can no longer stand by while our local priorities are ignored. Over eight years on Council, I’ve listened closely …

I’m Renée, your community independent candidate for the upcoming state election.  My focus has always been on making a difference to our community, not on pursuing political ambitions - but I can no longer stand by while our local priorities are ignored. Over eight years on Council, I’ve listened closely to your hopes and concerns and shared your vision for a bright future. As Bassendean Mayor, I worked hard to make meaningful progress, but it’s become clear that achieving real change also demands action at the state level.
Party politics isn’t working for us. Time and again, what is important to our community is overlooked by the State Government. That’s why I’m stepping up - to bring attention to our local priorities.

We need a genuine alternative that is loyal to our community, not to a party, one that puts people and the planet first, stands up for our shared values, and is serious about tackling our biggest issues with integrity.
In March, we have the power to make change. Let’s vote differently, and build a more hopeful, stronger, community-led future together.

Authorised by Gina Ogilvie, 23 Kenny Street Bassendean

From Renee's GoFundMe page (

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WA branch, AEVA

Date and Time

Mon, Feb. 17, 2025

5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
(GMT+0800) Australia/Perth


State Library of Western Australia

25 Francis Street
Perth, WA 6000

The State Library of Western Australia is located in the hub of Perth's cultural precinct, in Northbridge. The SLWA lecture theatre can be found at the northern end of the ground floor and is fully accessible. 


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State Library of Western Australia

25 Francis Street
Perth, WA 6000