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Submissions and Discussion Papers

The AEVA regularly makes submissions to all levels of government in Australia on matters concerning transport and energy policy.  This page serves as a repository of submissions we have made in recent years.


In July 2024 AEVA lodged this submission to the Federal Government's Transport and Infrastructure Net Zero Roadmap consultation.

Following the establishment of a Policy Advocacy Working Group in early 2024, comprising representatives of the AEVA branches, a series of revised policy statements is being developed, as follows.

An Electric bicycles and micro-mobility policy was endorsed by the Board in June 2024.

A Hydrogen policy was endorsed by the Board in June 2024.

An Emissions standards policy was endorsed by the Board in May 2024.

In May 2024, AEVA lodged this submission to the Climate Change Authority Sectoral Pathways Review.

In March 2024, AEVA lodged this submission to the House of Representatives Inquiry into the transition to electric vehicles.

In February 2024, AEVA lodged this short submission to the Federal Government's final round of consultation into the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (formerly the Fuel Efficiency Standard).


In September 2023, AEVA lodged this submission to the Senate Inquiry into Residential Electrification.

In late May 2023, AEVA lodged this submission in response to the Federal Government's consultation paper on the design of a Fuel Efficiency Standard for Australia.

Also in late May 2023, AEVA lodged this submission to the Federal Government's inquiry into acoustic warning systems for electric vehicles.  

In May 2023, AEVA published this discussion paper, setting out a draft policy manifesto which will be a focus for policy consultation with AEVA members. 


In November 2022, AEVA lodged this submission to an inquiry by the Federal Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth. The subject of the inquiry was “how trade and investment can support Australia's transition to a green energy superpower”. The submission included a recommendation that Australia aim to reduce its level of oil imports to near zero by 2045, driven by electrification of transport.

On 30 October 2022, AEVA lodged a response to the National EV Strategy Consultation Paper. That response can be found here.

In early 2022 the AEVA made a submission to the Australian Building Code standards review in regards to EV charging in strata and multi-dwelling housing complexes.


In February 2021, the federal government released the Future Fuels Strategy (FFS) discussion paper which drew fairly negative responses all round, including our own.


A review of how road infrastructure was funded was organised by a group called Infrastructure Partnerships Australia and the AEVA made a submission.  However, it seemed they only really liked the road user charge bits, and didn't read the rest of the document which contained plenty of qualifiers and conditions around the need to include all road going vehicles...

The SA and Victorian governments have attempted to introduce an EV-specific road user charge (late 2020).  As these charges single out EVs and not all road-going EVs, our response was pretty unambiguous.  An email was sent to all state premiers and treasurers seeking clarification.  Responses were recieved from the WA, ACT, NT and TAS governments in the negative, with the SA responding with an explanation for their support for an EV Tax, and the VIC treasurer sending us this press release / letter.  We are still awaiting a response from the QLD and NSW governments.


In 2018 the Senate conducted an Inquiry into Electric Vehicles, chaired by then Senator Tim Storer.  The detailed findings of the committee are summarised here. And there is an article commenting on the Inquiry here

The AEVA made several submissions; a general, national overview submission as well as state specific submissions from the ACT, VIC, TAS and SA branches.